《异度神剑》(日《ゼノブレイド》/英《Xenoblade Chronicles》)是任天堂游戏公司出版发行的角色扮演游戏。2010 年登录 Wii,2015 年登录 3DS。开发商为 MONOLITH SOFT。故事以远古残存的巨神与机神遗...
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is an epic, open-world role-playing game set in Amalur, a mysterious and magical new fanta...
Artorias of the Abyss is additional content for the game Dark Souls. It was originally released for PC as part of the Da...
Something lurks in the dark corners of space, something powerful enough to kill a Reaper. Shepard must discover the most...
《幻想生活》是由 Level-5 推出的幻想角色扮演游戏;本作由之前担任 Mother 3 的开发工作的 Brownie Brown 完成,因此最初公布的时候画面与 Mother 3 有些类似,它首先被预订在 DS 平台发布,但随后在长时间...
《无限传说》是 1995 年 12 月初次登场的《无限传说》系列 15 周年纪念作品,以精灵术兴盛的世界「利杰‧马克西亚」为背景,描写医科实习生裘德‧玛提斯与元素大精灵蜜拉‧马克斯威尔两人的冒险故事。
The popular fantasy action franchise Monster Hunter is now one of the most iconic gaming series in the world selling ove...
今年的E3游戏展上,Square Enix宣布《最终幻想7》将迎来高清重制版。然而还有令粉丝们更加兴奋的消息,Square Enix宣布《最终幻想7》将原汁原味的移植至iOS平台。如今这款 PC 大作终于是上架 iOS 啦。
视界线 Event Horizon 是一个令人兴奋的2D动作游戏。以一个太空舰队的命令,在星系探测任务。在视界线游戏中对战外星人,开展科学研究,获取资源,贸易,建造新船和升级现有的装备。成千上万的恒星系统,残酷的战役和令人惊讶的遭遇都在等着...
In this newest title, the feelings such as "preserving one's faith", "saving their precious ones"...
City of Heroes: Going Rogue was released in 2010. Unlike City of Villains, Going Rogue was an expansion rather than a St...
《战场女武神》原本是 PS3 上的一款备受好评的 SRPG 游戏,现在其正统续作《战场女武神 2:加利亚王立士官学校》在 PSP 上登场了。 本作的主人公们是加利亚公国某所士官学校中的候补生,这次的游戏讲述的是这些新人们的故事。
《牧场物语:三个村庄的珍贵朋友》是《牧场物语》系列诞生 20 周年纪念作。
YO-KAI WATCH centers on a boy who gets a special watch that lets him befriend and help mischievous Yo-kai* and later sum...
玩家可以操作所有的妖怪,更有 25 只以上的 Boss 级妖怪登场,与《妖怪手表 2》一样,本作分为两个版本,分别为“赤猫团”与“白犬队”。
Mobile turn-based strategy RPG coming to the 3DS in Japan on October 5th. International release is being handled by CIRC...
River City: Tokyo Rumble follows the story of a hot-blooded high school student named Kunio and his good friends. When a...
With 7 different perspectives from which to experience the adventure, whose story will you unravel first? A mys...
The world of Record Breaker is on the brink of non-existence. Just before the heralding of the apocalypse, when life was...